Frequently Asked Questions

If you are interested in participating in a clinical research study, we invite you to contact us for a complementary phone screening. You can call our office at (813) 251-1800. During the phone call, a member of the study team will ask you about your psychiatric and medical history to better understand your background. We will use this information to determine if you are eligible to participate.

If you qualify, you will be asked to sign a medical records release form, so that we can get your medical records from your doctor and review them. This helps us to match you with the study that is best for you. If we can match you with a study, we will contact you to schedule your first visit. This is called a screening visit.

During the screening visit, you will complete an Informed Consent Form. This is a document that lets us know you’re okay with us enrolling you in the study. The form will explain more about the things that will occur during the study, as well as the risks and benefits you might experience if you participate. At this time, a clinician will be available to answer any additional questions or concerns you may have. Please remember that your participation in a clinical trial is voluntary, and you may withdraw consent at any time for any reason.

After you sign the Informed Consent document, our clinicians will have some questionnaires that they will ask you. These questions may be about your diagnosis, your symptoms, and any current medications that you may be taking. Additionally, they might complete tests like an EKG, physical exam, or blood and urine samples. This helps us learn about your overall health. 

Once you pass screening, the trial will proceed from there. You will be scheduled for a few appointments before and after receiving the investigational product (either the study drug or placebo). During these appointments, our clinicians will be interested in learning about your overall health so that we can understand how it progresses throughout the study. This may include additional bloodwork or health assessments.

Participation in a clinical trial is free. You will be compensated for your time if you choose to participate. All medical tests, health care, and treatment used during the trial is provided at no cost to you.

Clinical research trials are important to advance science and medicine. Your participation is important to further the knowledge of medicine for the current and future generations.

The length of the study depends on the specific clinical trial. It could be as short as a few weeks or as long as a year.

Most studies will provide free transportation to and from our office. If you would like transportation, please let one of our team members know, and we will be happy to arrange it.

Yes. Dr. Fernandez is actively involved in each trial to ensure that patients receive the care and support that they need.

We will do our best to accommodate your schedule when arranging your trial appointments. Some appointments will require in-person visits, but some can be completed remotely over the phone.

Most trials will allow you to continue with your current medication and treatment plan. If your current treatment isn’t working to its full potential, the trial would be used like an “add-on” to see if we can help you feel even better.

Our study team would be happy to speak with you further and complete a phone screen! Please call our office at (813)253-0437 or send us an email at

Our study team would be happy to answer any additional questions you may have! Feel free to call our office at (813)253-0437. Or, send us an email at